
"Strong enough to move planets!"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


ladies and gents it is time to start working the olympic lifts.


10 minutes working on snatch


5 rounds for time:
1-5 ctb pull up ladder


3 FLR on floor for max time, rest 1 minute between attempts

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

endurance time


10 rounds for time:

800m airdyne
15 burpees

sub 500m row if you dont have an airdyne.

Monday, August 29, 2011

open gym + classes

Today is the first day of open gym.  Open gym is an hour where you can come in and do the wod for the day, choose your own wod to do,or just work some lifts with the bumpers/equipment.


every minute on the minute for 8 minutes do 2 front squats with 80% 1rm


3 rounds for time:
10 kb snatches each arm 53lbs
15 toes to bar

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fyne Dyning!

What a beautiful day for some Satan's tricycle.  We have a saying here at CrossFit Gravity and that's "No Shoes, No shirt, no problems!"  Only open a few days and already bringing in some great athletes, can't wait to see what is in store for the future.  Also just officially got linked up to the main site:  Schedule for this week is up.....lets get "Strong enough to move planets."

A1. Press Waveload - 4, 2, 4, 2 rest 10 secs
A2. 33% amrap pull ups (do 1/3 of your last amrap) rest 2 minutes
21 -15 - 9 for time of:
185lb Deadlift
Hand Release Push Ups
Airdyne Cals

Friday, August 26, 2011

It's the freakin weekend!

First couple days of CrossFit Gravity are in the books!  Very excited to see what has to come, I will be changing the schedule Sunday night so be sure to check back for class times!


Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:

3 Clean and jerks 185lbs
6 Kettlebell Swings 88lbs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

B squared = big back!

Time to get some good gymnastic training in!


7 rounds for time:
10 CTB pull ups
10 ring dips

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Up and Running!

Classes have officially started!  This week since it is only the first week we have afternoon/early evening classes scheduled.  In the coming weeks we will be adding many more classes, including some before work A.M. sessions and possibly a noonish/lunch session.
A. OHS - build to a tough 3; NOT a 3RM; rest as needed
for time:
30 wall balls unbroken
50 walking lunges - 45lb bar on back
20 Chest to bar pull ups
20 Hand release push ups
50 walking lunges -45lb bar on back
30 wall balls unbroken

Monday, August 22, 2011

First class tomorrow!!

Pic: Crossfit Competition: North Central Regional

Tomorrow marks the first workout at the new gym!  I am super excited to introduce CrossFit into the lives of new people.  CrossFit is more than just a workout, or the gym.  It's a way of life, and I can't wait to show people how amazing it is. 


200 walking lunges for time

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Man Makers....true to their name!

Pic: My little nook of goodies!!

Well CrossFit Gravity is going to get underway starting next week!  Class schedule is one the side and will be updated weekly.  First day of classes will be Tuesday at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 P.M.  Can't wait to get going! 


30 reps of 35lb man makers for time.

Rest 5 minutes

50 double unders, 10 burpees, 40 double unders, 10 burpees, ect, down to 10 double unders, 10 burpees for time.

Rest 5 minutes

50 2pood (73lb) KB swings then 350m row for time

Rest 5 minutes

3:30 on airdyne for calories

Post time and calories to comments!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gym is Finished!!

Today I completely finished outfitting and setting up the gym!  Our equipment includes but is not limited to:

4x airdynes
1x C2 rower
20x Kettlebells (up to 88lbs)
10x rogue bars
1000lb of bumper plates
5x gymnast ring
2x 20ft climbing ropes
8x pull up bar/stations
+ lots more!

Plan is to open the doors next week, I will be keeping everyone updated as soon as I know which day!  Can't wait to begin!


A. Clean grip deadlift 8 sets of 3 with 55% 1rm
B. Work up to 1 rep tough on high hang power snatch
C. 3 sets of 10 rep TnG power snatch

D. 3 rounds for time of: 10 55lb DB snatches each arm and 15 toes to bar

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Row row row your boat!

Pic: North Central Regional

Among most globo gym goers the only cardio they can seem to do is ride a bike, run on a treadmill or get on an elliptical.  Most gyms don't even have rowers, which is a travesty!  Rowing is seriously under-rated and can be one of the toughest workouts there is (exception: satan's tricycle).  So todays training may seem like not enough, but if you push it let me assure you that it is plenty!


Row 2k meters for time.

Post time to comments as well as avg watts/bodyweight

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Holy shoulder burn!

Pic: The day I did my first Ring HSPU, if I can do it then anyone can get there!

Todays training:

A. 10 min amrap 80lb 1 arm Dumb Bell Snatches

Rest 2 minutes

B. 10 min amrap Ring Hand Stand Push Up

Rest 2 minutes

C. 10 min amrap Double unders

Score is total reps completed.  Post to comments.

On another note, for those of you who want to maximize your fitness level then you need to look past training alone.  Nutrition is a huge part of the mix.  I'd recommend checking out the following video: .  He's a very noteworthy nutritionist and knows his stuff, let the research begin.

Friday, August 12, 2011

CrossFit Gravity Begins!

CrossFit Gravity has begun!  The new CrossFit training center is located in Mundelein, IL on the corner of Gilmer Rd and Midlothian in the Midlothian Center.  It is in the back left of the center behind building 1.  To update everybody on the progress of the gym I have uploaded a few pictures.  As you can see the pull up rig has been installed, and some of the equipment (much more than pictured) has arrived!  The gym should be up and running in 1-2 weeks!  I will keep everyone posted until then!  Let the training begin!