
"Strong enough to move planets!"

Monday, October 31, 2011

MAP training


5 min amrap @ 85% at 4 stations.  2 minute rest WALKING between stations.

station 1:
10 double unders or 25 singles
10 sit ups
10 lunges

station 2:
10 GHD sit ups
10 hand release push ups
10 step ups 24"/20"

staion 3:
10 powerful strokes on rower
10 knees to ebows
10 squats

staton 4:
50m farmers walk 55/35lbs a hand
5 burpees

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Video: This kid is 16 yrs old and 210lbs and can C&J over 400lbs...crazy.  Although his form is ugly.


A. 10 minutes to find a 1RM Deadlift.



75lb Power Snatch

Knees to Elbows

For those doing at home/globo etc, do NOT compromise form on deadlift for a bigger #.  It's not worth hurting your back, keep your chest UP!  The 10-1 means that you do 10 snatches, 10 knees to elbows, 9 snatches, 9 knees to elbows, 8 and 8 etc all the way down to 1.  Have fun and train hard!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dan Bailey Grace in 1:01


3-4 sets @ 100%:
10 Unbroken Tough Thrusters
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees
15 KBS - 55/35
300m Run
Rest 6 minutes

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video: 150 wallballs with 20lb ball for time, first 95 unbroken and all complete in 5:15.  Camera was mistake, but still a good viewing.


3 sets:
10 Unbroken Push Press Tough
60 second airdyne for cals @ 90%
rest 2 minutes
3 sets:
10 Unbroken Back Squats Tough
60 second airdyne for cals @ 90%
rest 2 minutes
300 seconds accumulated of Front Leaning Rest (Top of push up position)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pic: How to Squat!


A. EMOTM for 8 minutes - 3 Heavy Power Clean


15 minute AMRAP:

8 Deadlift 135lbs
10 Hand Release push ups
12 Box Jumps 24/20

Sunday, October 23, 2011


5 sets for time:
5 Tough Front Squats
10 Pull ups
15 Burpees
Rest 5 minutes

Friday, October 21, 2011

Your body is an instrument.

Pic: The night crew hard at work!

"We can make a considerable step towards the goal of our existence - whether we picture it as perfection or freedom or lasting happiness or the fulfillment of our destiny - if we establish once and for all the right relationship to the physical body. We must look upon it as an instrument to be used, an animal to be trained, a slave to be commanded and yet treated with due regard to its dignity and its rights. If we have not already acquired this attitude, we need to exercise ourselves in it until it is established. This body is not 'I'. It is not myself. It is a thing that will degenerate if not cared for. It is an animal that will disobey if it is not disciplined. It is mine for a short time only and during this time, I must make the fullest use of it. In all things, at all times, it must obey me. I can and will be forged by discipline. By meditating on such notions as these, we establish the right mental attitude. But the connection between mind and body must be forged by discipline. It is good to accustom this body to hard physical work. We should endeavor to acquire a rich repertoire of bodily skills." JG Bennett


A. Press Waveload x 4 rest 2 minutes
B. Tough TNG Push Jerk 7 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute
C. Amrap Ring Push Ups x 3 sets, rest 1 minute
D. For time:
     Thrusters 95/65
     Knees to Elbows

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Video: Can't dip on cleans because of form is terrible but was able to power clean.  Got 275 then tried 283lbs and barely missed because of wrist/inabilisty to dip


4 Rounds for time:

5 Man-Makers 25/15 a hand
10 Pull Ups
15 KB swings 55/35
20 Sit - Ups

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


7 sets @ 98%:

AMRAP Push Press 95lbs
30 sec Airdyne for cals
rest 2 minutes

Score is total reps + total cals over the 7 sets

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Love me some sweat angels!

Pic: When you can see the outline of the shirt in the sweat angel you know it was a good workout!!


A1. 10 GHD sit ups rest 30 seconds
A2. 10 Pull ups rest 30 seconds x 5 sets


5 sets @ 98%:
5 Heavy TNG (Touch and Go) Deadlift
10 Burpees AFAP (As fast as possible)
20 Wallball 20/15
Rest 4 minutes

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You Can Do It

If this picture doesn't motivate you I'm not sure what will!


A1.  Back Squat 2, 2, 2, 2 @ 40X1 rest 20 secs
A2.  Hand Stand hold on wall 30 seconds x 4, rest 2 minutes


For time:
8 Clean and jerk 135/95
20 box jumps 24"/20"
200m run
8 Clean and jerk 135/95
20 box jumps 24"/20"
200m run
8 Clean and jerk 135/95

Thursday, October 13, 2011

20+lbs lost in 1 month of crossfit is not abnormal!

Pic: one of many before and after photo's from CrossFit

Eat more protein -> Fell full -> eat less overall

This is what this study is saying:

Interesting stuff.


7 sets @ 95-98%:
5 Tough Thrusters
10 Burpees
30 Seconds on Airdyne for cals
Rest 3 minutes

Founding Member slots still available!

Hard workouts require good food.  Most people don't realize that working out hard is important, but that's only half the battle.  Nutrition is the other half, and although most people have been taught fat is bad it's actually not.  Processed carbs are the enemy, stay away from those, keep your protein and fat intake moderate to high and you'll be good to go.


A. Every Minute On The Minute: 5 HSPU / 5 Pull ups for 8 minutes


6 Rounds for time:

8 Toes To Bar
16 Kettle Bell Snatches (8/arm) 55lbs/35lbs
24 Goblet Squats 55lbs/35lbs

If you're doing this at the gym, as always, I will scale it appropriately for you.

If doing it at home make sure to scale part A so you can keep up the workload each minute.  For HSPU sub shoulder press for pull ups sub jumping pull ups or ring rows.  On the 6 rounds for time don't make it a super long workout trying to do 55lbs.  If that is way too heavy for a snatch then scale the KB.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pic:  Mondays training session, nice sweat angel!


6 sets:
AMRAP push ups
rest 20 seconds
20 UNBROKEN KB swings - Heavy
Rest 2:30 between sets

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CrossFit back on ESPN 2 tomorrow!


A.  Halting Clean Deadlift 5 sets of 2 - tough but good pause.  Rest 90 seconds.
B. Power Clean 2, 2, 2, 2 Rest 90 seconds.  Work on throwing hips violently


15 Minute Amrap:
100m Sprint
10 wallball 20/15
20 Double Unders

For tips on Halting Clean Deadlift look here (

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heavy Back squats and some interval training...metcon tomorrow for you metcon maniacs.

Pic: Foam-rolling after the deadlift/KBS/Airdyne wod last week.

A1. Back Squat 5 sets of 3 @ 32X1
A2. AMRAP (- 3) COVP Pull ups
Rest 3 minutes


4 sets @ 95%:
7 Power Snatch 95/65
7 Clean and jerk 95/65
7 Thrusters 95/65
14 toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Founding members spots still open!

If you haven't checked out the CrossFit competition event at the UFC expo this weekend, here's some coverage of one of many of the events. 

I'm sure people have noticed the different type of programming we do at CrossFit Gravity, it's not the typical "here do this metcon."  Don't get me wrong we do metcons 2-4 times a week...but by no means everyday.  This is because through my training my programming has evolved from lower order to higher order thinking.  We use programming that works, for specific stimulus'.  Everytime I walk into a gym, CrossFit or Globo and I see someone working out the first thing that comes to my mind is "Why are they doing that?  What is the stimulus/energy system they are trying to train?"  If you don't have a reason "why" you're doing a certain workout then you probably don't have a higher order type of program and you should immediately evaluate how you can improve on that.  I promise that if you stick to our programming for a month, 3-4 times a week, you will see more results in that month than you ever have in your life.  It's 1 month, what do you have to lose? 

6 sets:
2 Strict Press - 2 Push Press - 2 Push Jerks - Heavy
8 Burpees
10 Box jumps 24"/20"
12 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
Rest 4 minutes

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lets fill up the founding members people! 125$ for unlimited classes a month for life!

Last saturday was the life as RX competition.  The 3 events were as follows:

Event 1: With a 6 minute timer running complete a 400m run w/90lb sandbag then row for calories.  Score is # of calories rowed.

Event 2: 8 Minute AMRAP
10 Fat Bar Deadlifts 225lbs
20 GHD Sit ups (Pictured)
40 Double Unders

Event 3: 5 Minute AMRAP
14 30" Box jumps
10 KettleBell Snatches 55lbs

I had a rough start on workout 1, it was the second time in my life ever carrying a sandbag and the first time was a 35lb sandbag.  I completed the run in 1:40 but held the sandbag on 1 shoulder and had it slip down for the last bear hugged it the last 100m.  This gassed me for the row and I ended up rowing 69 calories which put me in the middle of the pack after workout 1.  I came back to finish in the top 5 in workout 2 with 4 rounds + 10 Deads + 6 sit ups (296 reps).  Then again finished top 5 in Workout 3 with 4 rounds + 14 box jumps + 5 KB snatches (115 reps).  So my total score was 69 + 296 + 115 = 480 points.  I finished 12th but 11th had 483 points, 10th had 484 points, and 8-6 had 485-490 other words an extremely close finish.  If I could have pushed harder on wod 1 (which i most certainly could have) I could have been up in the top 5...but live and learn!  Lots of heavy hitters at this competition, 20+ from regionals, 3+ from the games...all in all just beasts from all around the U.S.

For time:
50 Wallballs 20/15
800m run
40 Hand Release Push Ups
400m run
30 Pull Ups

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CrossFit Women are awesome!

Alot of women believe CrossFit will make them doesn't.  It makes them somewhat muscular, this is true...but it makes them FIT.  Fit women are awesome...see picture above!

3 sets @ 95%:
10 Deadlift - Heavy
20 KBS - Heavy
30 Calories on Airdyne
Rest 8 minutes

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Squats and jumps


A1. Back Squat 5 sets of 2 @ 22X1 rest 5 seconds
A2. Box Jump - 5 (30"/24") rest 2 minutes


For time:
21, 18, 15, 12, 9 reps of
Thrusters 95/65
Toes To Bar

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monday: Helllloooo October

Last saturday marked the Life As Rx tour in Chicago.  It was a great event with alot of heavy hitters!  Great to see where you measure up before the CrossFit open which starts late February. 


5 sets @ 90-95%:
5 muscle ups
10 KBS - heavy
10 box jumps - mid thigh
15 double unders
15 Airdyne cals
rest walk 5 min b/t set
If you're reading this thinking "Theres no way I can do a Muscle up or HSPU" have no fear, we have exercises that we will substitute that you can do.  In fact 90% of CrossFitters can't do HSPU or Muscle ups, so you're not alone!  Like I always say, ANYONE and EVERYONE can CrossFit.