
"Strong enough to move planets!"

Friday, September 30, 2011

Saturday Closed for Life as rx compeetition in Libertyville.

Saturday there is a big CrossFit competition in Libertyville, IL at CrossFit Freedom.  There are going to be some of the top athletes in the world.  So unfortunately class will be cancelled on saturday since I will be in the competition which begins at 10 A.M.


For time:

25 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull ups
25 Hang Squat Clean 95/65
20 Ring Dips
25 Front Squats 95/65
20 Pull ups
25 Squat Clean 95/65

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What is CrossFit? See below !


5 sets:

3 Heavy Touch and Go Power Clean
6 Box Jumps 30"/24"
AMRAP Strict Pull Ups
Sprint 100m
Rest 4 minutes between sets


3 sets of FLR for total time

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mens final events on ESPN2 Tonight!


15 minute amrap:

5 SDHP 115lb/75lb
10 KettleBell Swing 72lbs/55lbs
15 Toes to bar


4 sets:
30 second max effort on Airdyne for Calories
Rest 2:30

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Tempo Squats

Time for some heavy front squats!  If you're a member here at CrossFit Gravity you should be expecting to go heavy 2-3 times a week on some of the major lifts...and that's not going to change.  Your strength is going to help you more than you know with your conditioning.


A1.  Front Squat @ 32X1 4 sets of 3, rest 20 seconds
A2. 15 UNBROKEN heavy KB swings x 4 sets
Rest 3 minutes


For time:
30 Calories on Airdyne
10 Clean and Jerk 155lbs/105lbs
20 Calories on Airdyne
20 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Calories on Airdyne
30 Wallball 20lb/15lb ball

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday: Dedication produces results...get some.

I have learned alot from a man named James Fitzgerald, although most people know him as OPT.  He was the winner of the first ever CrossFit Games and has competed in all of them but the one this year.  Instead of honing his skills as an athlete he has dedicated his life to learning the science behind the best programming, and we use his philosophies here at CrossFit Gravity.  The video featured is one of his clients getting a PR on power clean + jerk at 137kg (308lbs) and making it look easy.


4 sets @ 97%:
15 power snatch - 95#/65#
15 burpees
20 second airdyne sprint 
Rest 5 mins WALKING after each set

Goal is to use a weight so that you can go close to unbroken on power snatches, no more than 2 sets.  Training aerobic power here, so we want to keep the power output high and keep you moving.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lets go bears!

Josh Bridges finish in the Killer cage event was unbelievable, but something that was more unbelieable to me was his 11.6 result in the CrossFit Open.  Here is his world record finish on that wod.


7 sets:
3 Touch and Go Heavy Clean and jerk
6 Burpees AFAP
9 CTB pull ups AFAP
Rest 3:30

Goal is to keep power output high and consistent.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The killer cage

Hopefully some of you got to see event 5 last night which included the "Killer Cage."  The ending of the last mens heat is nothing short of epic, but incase you haven't seen it I don't want to spoil it.  All I have to say is watch it! 

Every so often a quote comes up that is just so true it's hard to not want to share it with as many people as possible.  Today I saw a quote that matches that description:

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."
- Ken Blanchard

 Be committed to fitness and you will see amazing results.

For total time:
20 Power Snatches 95#/65#
25 Pull ups
30 SDHP 95#/65#
Rest 8 minutes
25 KBS 2pd/1.5pd
20 Burpees
400m Run
Rest 8 minutes
21 Thrusters 95#/65#
21 Box Jumps 24'/20'
21 Cals on Airdyne

Shout out to Kim who killed it today!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prepare for glory!

Most people have seen or heard of the movie 300.  What most people don't know is that these guys were trained my a man named Mark Twight.  Mark Twight was an one of the original CrossFitters, and he uses their methodology to this day.  When I say methodology I mean he uses a high intensity functional exercise schema.  After the 3 months of training with him for the movie he put them through a final "test."  If you are expected to read through all these bodybuilding magazines and whatnot they tell you it was a workout with 300 reps for time.  Wrong.  It was called "300 F you" and it was 300 calories on an Airdyne bike in 10 minutes.  If you have ever used the airdyne you know that if you do a full out sprint you're probably lucky to get 30 calories in that minute, hence the end part "F you."  Only 1 of the actors was able to do this, and many elite athletes would not be able to complete it either.

A. 10 minutes to work up to a TOUGH 3 reps on back squat, NOT a 3rm.
B. 50 box jumps (step down) for time 24'/20'
C. Amrap toes to bar 3 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.


"300 FY": 10 min amrap on airdyne for calories (You may sub a rower but understand rowing is easier).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CrossFit is for everyone, even you Professional Athletes out there!

CrossFit games on ESPN2 tomorrow night!!  I can't explain how excited I am to be able to watch CrossFit on the big screen.  To think that 19 people stood between me and the games gives an incredible amount of fuel to the fire for this year.  For those who don't know the competitive aspect of CrossFit I've linked a youtube video below, check it out and tune in to ESPN2 at 7 P.M. tomorrow to see more of the CrossFit Games 2011.


For total time:
3 Down and back 45lb Overhead Walking Lunges
5 rounds:
5 Power Snatches 95#/65#
10 Overhead Squats 95#/65#
15 Knees to Elbows
3 Down and back 45lb Overhead Walking Lunges

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lets start the week off right...

With some heavy lifting!  Too many people (especially crossfitters) have misconceptions about lifting heavy and DON'T do it near as often as they should.  At CrossFit Gravity we like to lift heavy and often!


6 sets:
3 tough standing press
rest 20 seconds
40 double unders AFAP
20 sit ups AFAP
rest 3 minutes

Sunday, September 18, 2011

72 years old...and still killin it!

So going with the theme that anyone is able to do CrossFit, I found this article on the CrossFit Games website and I think it speaks volumes.  At 72 years of age he is not only still CrossFitting but still competing!  Not only that but he's competing against people 10+ years younger than he is...what a beast!  You can find the article at:

Excited for the next round of CrossFit games on ESPN2 this week!  Loving all the CrossFit commercials during the program as well!  Have a good rest day everyone (rest days are as important as training days...we'll talk about that soon) and get ready for tomorrow!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Everyone can CrossFit!

Today was Fight Gone Bad 6 and I hoped everyone had a great time participating. Going along with what we talked about the other day about anyone being able to do crossfit; I found a great photo I'd like to share from the wounded warrior project.


Fight Gone bad

3 Rounds for reps:
1 Minute Amrap 20lb wallball
1 Minute Amrap SDHP 75lbs
1 Minute Amrap box jumps 20'/14'
1 Minute Amrap Push Press 75lbs
Rest 1 minute

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday funday!

First "girl" workout of the gym!  Come on in and take advantage of septembers deal: 2 free weeks!


400m run
21 kbs
12 pull ups

Thursday, September 15, 2011

espn2! CrossFit history!

I hope you were able to catch the CrossFit games on espn2 last night.  If not they will be on again next weds...make sure you tune in or DVR it...or both!

5 sets for time:
5 tough thusters
10 burpees AFAP
30 secs Airdyne @ 90%
rest 4 mins beween sets


5 min amrap:
4 pull ups
4 burpees

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yes you CAN do this!

I have talked with many people throughout the years since I started crossfit...nd you wouldn't believe how many people tell me "I can't do that."  Other people tell me "I tried the warm up and that was enough for me."  I also hear, especialy from women, "I don't want to ge bulky."

First off anyone, and i mean ANYONE can do crossfit.  Ya, you might not do a sub 3 minute Fran but 90% of crosfitters cant either.  Just because you don't do a workout in record time does not mean you cant do it.  Women - google some images of crossfit women.  You will see they are lean and beautiful.  Sure if you look at the top 0.01% women crosfittrs in the world (the ones at the games) some are bigger.  However 95% are not.  Look at the winner this yar - annie t.  she's beautiful.

Overall if you are one of those people who think you can't do this look at the video at -

this is a story of a woman who lost 120lbs in ONE year.  Not only did she lose weight but she got fit, she even competed.  If she can do it, so can you.


EMOTM for 10 minutes 3 tough tng clean and jerks 6 tough kbs


10 min amrap
wallball ladder starting at 1
ring dips ladder starting at 1

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CrossFit on espn2 tomorrow night!

For those who dont know, the CrossFit games have finally made it to tv!  Check out ESPN2 tomorrw night at 7 PM to see the start of the 2011 CrossFit games!  I know we have I will be dvr'ing it as you should be!

A1.  OHS 5x2 @ 22x1 rest 20 seconds
A2. 20 sit ups afap rest 2.5 mins


5 rounds for time:
100m run
25 double unders (3:1 singles)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday: Gettin some air! During september come in for a FREE 2 weeks

It takes alot of time to learn some of the movements.  Above is a picture of me finally achieving a muscle up to ring hand stand push up.  Many movements take hours of practice to finally get, so don't get discouraged if you're having trouble with any of them!

A.  Deadlift 2,2,2,2,2 rest 2 minutes
4 sets @ 100%:
30 sec amrap clean and jerk - 115/80#
30 sec amrap box jumps - 24/20"
30 sec amrap KBS - 2/1.5 pd
30 sec amrap toes to bar
Rest Walk 6 min b/t sets

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September Promotion, Get started now!!

During September CrossFit Gravity is doing 2 FREE WEEKS.  This is for current members as well as people who have had a free intro session.  Come in and get started on your 2 weeks today!


5 sets for time @ 97%:

5 tough squat snatches
10 30' box jumps
15 pull ups
Rest 4 minutes between sets


4 sets: 100m sprints
Rest 1 minute between sets

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Change in schedule

Personal emergencies have required that the 6 A.M. and noon classes be cancelled tomorrow, however there will still be a 7 P.M. class.  The Saturday class has also been changed from noon to 9 A.M.  Sorry for the inconvience! 

We have had many people ask for and want the 6 A.M. class, however most of you are having trouble rolling out of bed.  So I will be working on a sign up sheet for the website, that way I can know who will and won't be there.  If I can't have it up by next week I will want people to call/text ahead of time for the 6 A.M. class specifically.  I will update everybody sunday about this!


10 sets:
10 unbroken pull ups
rest 30 seconds
15 unbroken squats
rest 30 seconds

Rest is mandatory, score is total time to complete all 10 sets.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tester time!


3 Rounds for time:

25 KB swings 2pood2/1.5pood
25 Box Jumps 24'/20'

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to work!

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  I have added 1 class this week to make our daily schedule this week 6 a.m., noon, and 7 p.m.  These seem to be the classes members want, as I've said if people need other times then we will add then.


15 front squats 135lbs/95lbs
45 seconds airdyne for cals @ 90%
rest 5 mins actively x 5 sets


15 covp pull ups x 5 sets rest 2 mins between

Sunday, September 4, 2011

happy holiday!!

CrossFit Gravity will be closed tomorrow due to the holiday.  Have a good time with friends and family and get ready to get back at it on tuesday.  Schedule will be up tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, September 2, 2011



5 sets:

4 tough back squats
7 burpees
10 pull ups
rest 5:1

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yes you get rest...but that doesn't make it any easier!

Pic: Sweat Angel from a client recently, workin hard!

In my training in the past year I have encountered alot of interval training.  While this is slightly different from conventional "CrossFit" it is amazingly difficult and can work wonders for different energy systems if used correctly.  Give it a try with us in todays training and see how difficult it really can be!


Skill: 10 minutes work on Kipping pull up.  Smooth is fast.


4 sets for time:
15 Clean and jerks 135lbs/95lbs
300m Run (Building loop)
400m Airdyne
Rest 5 minutes actively between sets